Register For SSC MTS Exam Analysis

Register For SSC MTS Exam Analysis: Staff Selection Commission has released the exam dates for the SSC MTS exam which is being scheduled from 1st to 14th September 2023. Candidates who are going to appear for the SSC MTS must register themselves here for the exam analysis.  For the candidates who are going to appear for the Exam, we request you all to share your experience and the questions asked in the examination. This exam analysis will help you as well as the candidates who are going to appear for the next year of examination about the pattern of examination and the types of questions asked in it.

We are going to provide you with a detailed analysis of the SSC MTS 2023 examination that will be provided to the candidates with the good attempts and level of the exam. We will be providing you with a detailed analysis of the questions asked according to the exam pattern. Register yourself for the SSC MTS Exam Analysis from the link given provided below.

Click here to register yourself for the SSC MTS Exam Analysis

SSC MTS Exam Pattern 2023

  • The computer-based Examination will be conducted in two Sessions: Session-I and Session-II and both Sessions will be mandatory to be attempted by the candidates. Not attempting any of the sessions will disqualify the candidate from the whole process.
  • There will be no negative marking in Session-I. In Session II, there will be a negative marking of one mark for each wrong answer.
  • The CBE will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions in English, Hindi, and other 13 regional languages for Session-I and the General Awareness Section of Session II.

Register For SSC MTS Exam Analysis In Hindi

Part Subject No. of Ques Marks Duration (For all 4 parts)
Session I
I Numerical and
Mathematical Ability
20 60 45 Minutes (60 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribes as per para 8)
II Reasoning Ability
and Problem Solving
20 60
Session II
I English Language
and Comprehension
25 75 45 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribes as per para 8)


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