SSC JE Exam Pattern 2023

SSC JE Exam Pattern 2023: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) JE (Junior Engineers) Examination is conducted to recruit candidates for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Quantity Surveying & Contract. Candidates planning to appear for the SSC JE Recruitment Examination must thoroughly read the detailed SSC JE Exam Pattern 2023 to have a clear and better understanding of the examination. Having a clear understanding of the exam pattern will also help the applicants to prepare effectively. We have discussed the detailed SSC JE Exam Pattern for both Paper I and Paper II here in this article. The official notification for SSC JE will be released on 26th July 2023. Candidates can refer to this article to get updated SSC JE Exam Pattern 2023.

SSC JE Exam Pattern 2023: Overview

Check the table below to get an overview of the SSC JE Exam Pattern 2023

SSC JE Exam Pattern 2023
Recruitment Commission Staff Selection Commission
Exam Name SSC JE Exam
Category Exam Pattern
SSC JE Notification 2023 26th July 2023
Mode of examination Paper 1: Online

Paper 2: Offline

Type of examination Paper 1: Objective

Paper 2: Descriptive

Frequency of examination Once a year
Official website

SSC JE Exam Pattern: Paper-I

The Paper 1 of the SSC JE exam includes 200 multiple-choice questions that need to be answered within a time limit of 2 hours. This paper is divided into three sections: General Intelligence, General Awareness, and General Engineering, with options for specialization in Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering. The exam is conducted online, and candidates must choose one engineering stream for both Paper 1 and Paper 2.

  • Paper 1 of the SSC JE exam is conducted online and consists of multiple-choice questions.
  • It is divided into three sections: General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Engineering (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical).
  • The first two sections are identical for all candidates. However, in the third section, candidates must select their respective specialization from Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering.
  • Sections 1 and 2 consist of 50 questions each. These sections test the candidate’s ability and knowledge of general reasoning and awareness. Section 3 consists of 100 questions and examines the candidate’s knowledge of the subject chosen from Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrica Engineering.
  • In Paper-I and Paper-II for General Engineering, the candidate will be required to attempt only the part as per the option given in the application form filled by the candidate.
Papers No. Of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
(i) General Intelligence & Reasoning 50 50 2 Hrs.
(ii) General Awareness 50 50
iii) Part–A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) OR
Part-B General Engineering (Electrical) OR
Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical)
100 100
Total 200 200

SSC JE Exam Pattern: Paper-II 

Paper 2 is a descriptive paper and is based on the candidates’ specialization in Engineering. Candidates who manage to clear paper 1 will be eligible to appear in paper 2. It will consist of descriptive-type questions for a total of 300 marks.Here are the details for the SSC JE exam pattern paper II. 

  • SSC JE Paper 2 is a descriptive paper conducted in offline.
  • The question paper is of 300 marks and has to be attempted in 2 hours.
  • Paper 2 is a conventional type exam, candidates have to choose the subject from Part A- Civil & Structural Engineering, Part B- Electrical Engineering, or Part C- Mechanical Engineering.
  • Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Calculator, Logarithm Table, and Steam Table for Paper II.
  • There is no negative marking applicable Paper-2
Paper – II Marks Time
Part-A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) 300 2 Hrs.
Part- B General Engineering (Electrical) 300 2 Hrs.
Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) 300 2 Hrs.


SSC JE Syllabus 2023 For Papers I And II

Important Points to remember:

  • The candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil), and Junior Engineer (Quantity Surveying & Contracts) should attempt Part A (Civil & Structural) of Paper-I and Paper-II, and the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) should attempt Part-B (Electrical) and the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) should attempt Part C (Mechanical) of Paper-I and Paper-II failing which his/ her answer sheet (PaperII) will not be evaluated.
  • In paper -I. there will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
  • Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Calculator, Logarithm Tables and Steam Table for Paper-II only. They are not allowed to use such aids for Paper-I.
  • Marks scored by candidates in Paper-I will be normalized and such normalized scores will be used to determine final merit and cut-off marks.
  • Based on the performance in Paper-I+Paper-II, candidates will be shortlisted for Document Verification.



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