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India is witnessing a steady rise in earthquakes, serving as a stark reminder of nature’s unpredictability. What was once just a part of the school syllabus would help in reducing the impact of the calamity, if any.

While the movement of tectonic plates cannot be stopped, knowing how to protect yourself and the people around you can make all the difference. 

Here are five essential steps to stay safe during an earthquake.

1. Drop, cover, and hold on

precaution before an earthquake
It is important to keep a survival kit prepared beforehand; Picture source: Shutterstock

The safest response during an earthquake is to drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops. If no cover is available, protect your head and neck with your arms and crouch near an interior wall away from windows.

2. If inside, don’t step out

Many injuries occur when people attempt to run outside. If you are indoors, stay put. Move away from glass, heavy furniture, and unsecured items that could fall. Doorways are no longer considered the safest spots; instead, find cover under a table or desk.

3. Find an open space 

infographic on what to do during an earthquake
If you are outdoors, ensure you are not surrounded by buildings or trees; Picture source: Shutterstock

If you are outdoors, move away from buildings, streetlights, and power lines. Find an open space and stay there until the shaking stops. Falling debris and collapsing structures pose significant risks near buildings.

4) If you are in a moving vehicle, stop safely

Drivers should pull over to a safe location away from bridges, overpasses, and trees. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking ceases. Avoid stopping under structures that may collapse and delay rescue.

5) Be prepared for aftershocks

Aftershocks can follow a major earthquake and sometimes cause further damage. Stay alert, check for hazards, and be ready to take protective actions again if necessary.

infographic on what to do after the earthquake
Ensure to check for injuries after the tremor; Picture source: Shutterstock

Earthquakes are unpredictable, but preparation can save lives. By staying informed and practising these safety measures, you can better protect yourself and those around you when the ground shakes.

Edited by Arunava Banerjee

Earthquake Safety: by The American National Red Cross
Do’s and Dont’s during an Earthquake: by the National Centre for Seismology.
Safety Guidelines: During an Earthquake: by CDC

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