Before delving into the story of Rose Chase, we will have to know how this case came up in the first place. The show Investigation Discovery dealt with the case of Rose Chase in the episode titled “A Body In The Basement: Chase And Lies.” This is one horrific incident that shook the whole nation, and everybody needs to know about this case. If you have watched the said episode, you must be having the question where is the killer now? In this article, we will not only deal with the current location of the killer but also the whole story of the case. Therefore, without any further delay let us get into it.

Where Is Rose Chase Now?

Rose Chase is the killer of her late husband Adam Chase. She is currently at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. Why was she apprehended in the first place? Well, as the first statement of this part stated, Rose Chase was instrumental in the murder of her husband Adam Chase. She not only killed him in the first place but also did not cooperate with the police officers during the investigation of the case. She also played a role in tampering with the evidence that would have made the case easier.

Who is Adam Chase? Adam Chase was an ordinary individual with a pretty simple life. He grew up in a loving family without any issues. Since his childhood days, he was interested in playing online games. Not much is known about his educational life, but it can be stated that Adam Chase had a nice childhood. His parents loved him dearly and supported him throughout his life. His parents’ names are Silvia and Lindon Chase. Adam was not the only child of the family. He had two sisters as well.

When he was in high school, he came across Rose. Rose was then a quiet kid who was bullied. She was having disabilities in the learning and studying sector. Since they met each other, it seemed both of them were a perfect fit for each other. At first, they were only friends. As they slowly started to spend with each other, they started to come closer to one another. Consequently, their friendship soon turned into a love story. Adam dropped out when he was in his senior year to get jobs so that he could form a family with Rose. Rose, on the other hand, did not drop out due to her family.

What Happened Between Rose And Adam?

Even though Rose was not allowed to drop out by her family, she soon joined Adam in his journey after their school got over. Rose and Adam got married in 2001. In the beginning, they were staying with Adam’s family so that they could buy a home later on. In 2007, their son Trysten Jay Chase was born. Adam and Rose had to try a lot before they could conceive their baby.

After the birth of their child, they bought a home in 2011. Before buying their home, they used to live in a trailer. The family was small, but they were happy. Adam was overjoyed to be a father. In fact, he became a stay-at-home dad to take care of his child. Rose Chase continued to work. Before Adam Chase could find a job for himself when it was time for Trysten to go to kindergarten, things fell apart. On 14th June 2012, while Rose Chase picked up Trysten from Adam’s parents’ house, she informed his mother that Adam was missing for 7 hours after they had a quarrel where Adam punched the wall in rage. They filed a missing report immediately.

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How Was Adam Discovered?

The entire case of Adam Chase was quite sketchy from the beginning. The case could not be solved for six months. Later on, the involvement of Rodney G. Miller helped the police to solve the case. He and his ally Sandra Armison, the local babysitter, discovered that Rose Chase had colour drained from her face when she was told that the police had discovered some strong evidence regarding the case of Adam Chase. It was then that Rose Chase disclosed that during their quarrel, she had pushed Adam off the staircase which led to his on-spot death. To hide the evidence from the police, she burned the body of Adam Chase and put the ashes in her mother’s place. The forensic team proved that the ashes were the remains of Adam Chase.

What Were The Accusations?

Rose and Adam had the quarrel because Adam found out that Rose was involved in extramarital affairs. Rose, in her defence, put forward her point that Adam was so addicted to online games that he never took care of their son properly.

In the end, Rose was given a sentence of 24 years to life in prison in 2013. She will receive her parole date in 2037-38.

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